Hide Antique

Thursday, February 04, 2010


I missed two weeks of weigh ins at WW. One week was because I had strep throat (ouch!) and the next week I was out of town.

Now, when I had strep I did not follow program. I ate McDonald shakes. I ate tapioca . I drank lots of tea and gallons of water. I ate sherbet. I slept and slept and slept. And then I discovered that I could no longer swallow my own spit, so I went to the doc and he gave me some nice antibiotics. Then I had days of diarrhea.

The next week I went out of town and ate out every meal. Bad things. It felt so good to eat real foods again.

This week I started back on it. I wrote down everything I ate. I drank water. And I started exercising again. Hit the gym and did the treadmill and the elliptical and followed it up with some glorious time in the sauna.

On Wednesday I worried about weigh in. All day. My home scale didn’t look bad, but I was convinced it was lying to me.  I had not followed program for 2 weeks – I had to have gained! I was convinced I had gained the 5 pounds I worked so hard to lose back again. I was tempted to skip this week too.

I went to weigh in. I wore exactly what I wear to each and every weigh in. I peed before going in. I held my breath as I stood on the scale. And my weight was exactly the same as it was the last time I weighed in. I lost nothing and I gained nothing. What a blessing!
I feel motivated again – I love how I feel when I am eating healthy and exercising. I feel thinner, but more importantly I feel more focused and energetic. I feel more alive.

1 comment:

Michele said...

I know just how you feel, when I'm On Program I feel so much healthier, lighter, in control! So glad the weigh in wasn't bad after all! :)