Hide Antique

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 2 of the liquid diet

So today I moved up to protein shakes. Nothing in them but a cup of milk and the vanilla protein powder. I was suppose to have 5 of them, but I ran out of milk, so my 4th one consisted of half a cup of milk, and half a cup of Bolthouse Farms Perfectly Protein Chai Tea.  And I just skipped the last ProteinJuicebgone out of fear that I was screwing everything up by not following it exactly. I also had half of a bite of banana… it was on the counter, looking sad after I used most of it up for Brandon’s PB, J and B sandwich, and it smelled so good. So after staring at it for like 5 minutes, I had the tiniest bite. After a bit of heaven, I instantly felt guilty thinking again that I screwed it all up and went through all this agony for nothing.

When I went to bed last night, I could not stop thinking about how hungry I was. It was like an obsession. And the hunger actually woke me up a couple of times…. my stomach would let out this huge ROAR, and I’d be awake. It was horrible. But when I woke up this morning, I really didn’t feel that hungry. And the scale was happy to see me with a loss of 4 pounds! Woot!

But before I get tooo excited, we’ll see if the little banana ruins it all for me…

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